Smarten Up Your Address Book with a Plaxo Mashup
Mashup University (part of Mashup Camp 2)
Mountain View, CA (Computer History Museum)
July 12, 2006
Download PPT (1.7MB)
Watch the complete video of my talk (QT, 78MB)
Plaxo sponsored me to give a talk at the beginning of MashupCamp2 (alongside speakers from Microsoft, AOL, and Intel) during its new “Mashup University” section. I talked about the Plaxo widget and our APIs and why they’re a useful ingredient for many sites. MashupCamp itself was also great fun, and it made me a strong believer in the style of un-conferences (where the schedule is formed ad-hoc by the participants when the conference starts), something I’ve since used at Plaxo to cut down on scheduling meetings. Rather than trying to get on everyone’s calendar, we just reserve Tuesday afternoons for an internal unconference we call Meataxo (yes, the spelling is intentional–we had to do something to make the idea of a meeting marathon sound fun :)).
I’ve covered my talk at MashupU in more detail on Plaxo’s blog, and Joe “Duck” Hunkins also wrote a great summary.
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